Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Illusion Of Routine

“Routine feeds the illusion of safety...”

― Christopher Moore, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

You have a choice , how stay imune so ridiculous so confident with the ''know''=''illusion'' ''know''=''illusion'' ''know''=illusion nothing ''everything''=''illusion'' and ''material'' illusion of programmed routine of ego and pride with the cofluence programmed routine of material illusion of ''know''=illusion etc face the abyss the wrong the contrary the unknow of illusion like two chickens with conflict in the ''illusion'' ''know'' with ''material'' factors and external material rational mathematical and disconnected from yourself intuitive and instive subsconscious or inconscious of yourself of ''know'' illusion

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