Monday, December 23, 2013

The Federal Reserve turns 100 Years Old ~ Let's celebrate The Great Recession

The Federal Reserve is as Federal as Federal Express its a PRIVATE BANK its not owned by the government its owned by ROTHCHILD ,Why let our countries be controlled by private interests such as the FED? WE ARE THE FUEL FOR THEIR CONTROL: get the rich to pay for the government that benefits of ownership. End income tax cause that removes money from circulation and the rich never pay their fair share anyway. Institute a wealth tax. No one can evade a wealth tax. Its impossible. A 1% wealth tax could replace the income tax. I think we could all bear that.

Today the U.S. Federal Reserve has 100 candles to blow out on its birthday cake. Founded to prevent boom and bust economics, in its first century it's faced many challenges - from double-digit inflation to near-depression. So on its anniversary, it seems the right time to ask - how is the FED actually doing? RT's Marina Portnaya looks for the answer.

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