Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The End of America

Americans have been defrauded by international bankers on a biblical scale. For every single $1.00 dollar an American has made on the books, the Federal Reserve has made x $9.00. There are roughly a little more than 300,000,000 American citizens. If it took Americans $1.00 worth of labor to get through 1 day of survival with food / water, then the Federal Reserve makes $300,000,000 x9 - or $2,700,000,000 - within a single day. They call this practice FRACTIONAL RESERVE banking. If I had that power, I can start my own religions, bastardized religions, governments, fortune 500 companies, educational systems, military forces and an ocean of propaganda. This is all done for international Jewry. Since the Torah, many within Judaism have justified the enslavement of other human beings. These Zionist Jews are an extension of the Talmud (Jewish texts) and the practice of Usury. Usury is outlawed in orthodox Christian and Islamic societies because it relies on currency manipulation and outright defrauding people on a biblical scale. For this reason, our governments are subservient to foreign owned international central banks. The government that Americans are subservient to is called the UNITED STATES in all caps. It is a Corporation government founded in 1871 with a new Corporate Constitution replacing the Organic government and Constitution. By extension, Americans are considered Corporate entities or human commodities that can be profited on and charged debt against. Our Corporate government in 1913 became subservient to the foreign owned and operated Federal Reserve. For this reason, Americans have been socially engineered to believe that they have been living in a Constitutional Republic with protection under the law. The reality is that Americans are controlled by our governments who act as Corporate security forces for International Jewry as represented by central banking. Over half of the humans on Earth today believe in a prophet or a messiah whose teachings state that those within Judaism that practice Usury will attempt to enslave the whole human race psychologically and physically.

I believe that we as Americans are about to see a major, major collapse in our national monetary system, and our normal way of life.

Our government has been borrowing so much money (very often using short-term loans), that very soon, we will no longer be able to afford even the interest on these loans.

Today, the federal government has to borrow 46 cents of every dollar they spend...spending that stands at a staggering average of $435.8 million per hour.

But even these incredible figures don't tell the real story. Or even half of it...

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