Monday, December 9, 2013

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Monday December 9 2013: Dr. Jerome Corsi

O-care: massivewealth confiscation
-- Date: 12/09/2013 --
On the Monday, December 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones continues to quantify the extent of the slow motion economic melt down, as more wealth is confiscated and transferred to criminal offshore cartels under the guise of national healthcare. Jones also looks at the rising tensions between China and Japan prompted by a dispute over the Senkaku Islands, and analyzes the complete ludicrousness of the TSA's policies, with the latest threat to national security posed by a toy monkey. On today's show, Alex welcomes World Net Daily editor and intrepid investigative journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi to outline how Obama has embodied full dictator status in the eyes of many, the possibility of going to war with China, the bumbling Obamacare roll-out and the real implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership economic treaty. We'll also cover other important news of the day and take your calls on this live broadcast.

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