Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Alex Jones Show - Tuesday, December 03, 2013 (Full Show): Lionel, Kurt Nimmo

Alex uncovers a wide range of tyranny on this Tuesday, December 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Experts and analysts are now warning that Amazon's proposed delivery drones could be used to gather information on Americans much like how Google Street View cars harvested and stored data from private Wi-Fi networks. Nationally syndicated radio host and legal analyst Lionel joins the broadcast to discuss these recent developments and how the establishment demonizes anyone who analyzes cover-ups and corruption instead of following the government's false narratives without question. Infowars.com editor Kurt Nimmo also joins the show to break down the government takeover of the Internet as state governments begin taxing online purchases, which will undoubtedly hurt working families the most. Alex takes your calls throughout the broadcast.

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