Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Alex Jones Show - Thursday, December 26, 2013 (Full Show): Russell Blaylock, Wayne Madsen

On this special Thursday, December 26 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we highlight an amazing series of encore interviews beginning with August Forecast & Review Editor Patrick M. Wood's discussion on how the global elite within the Trilateral Commission are replacing capitalism with their own technocracy in order to create a New International Economic Order. Alex also speaks with nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon and author Dr. Russell Blaylock for a health practitioner's analysis of the
Alex Jones
Alex Jones
Un-Affordable Care Act, the vaccine hoax, and the global aerial chemical assault via chemtrails. We round out the show with an in-depth look at the NSA's spy tale fabrications as investigative journalist and former NSA technician Wayne Madsen relays key intel based on information obtained through confidential sources outlining the NSA's secret backroom deals with several European countries. The Infowars team would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

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