Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Stefan Molyneux ~ Don't Feed the Libertarian Trolls

Stefan Molyneux responds to the article "Don't Feed the Trolls, and Other Advice For Dealing With Libertarians" by Emmett Rensin., Quote : "
With its five syllables, iambic stress, and three open vowels, there's something so satisfying about saying "libertarian." It's a beautiful word, elegant and old-school, with phonetic roots like quill-penned pamphleteers. Its terpsichorean click of complicated consonants rolls off the tongue with gratifying ease, and a stoic sense of moral certitude is almost palpable in the sound. It carries the ring of anachronistic heroism, better suited to the hills of Port-au-Prince or revolutionary Spain than here or now. No wonder it appeals so steadily to precocious teenage malcontents. "

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