Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sandy Hook & The Boston Bombing: You're Being Hoodwinked

 The Staged Aurora & Newtown Events, Guns and Being American
 The burning question on some minds is, does the government run psy-ops against its own people? False-flag attacks and the like. The answer is yes, as both the evidence going back decades and the government's irrefutable admissions proves. Just because talking heads on TV tell you it's crazy to believe such things doesn't make it any less true. Why do you think they're on the TV telling you this in the first place? Their job is and always has been to sell you the government and the construct of our society, among other things.

So, with that in mind I give you, "Sandy Hook & the Boston Bombing: You're Being Hoodwinked."
It's interesting to go back and watch videos you've made previously. Here's a short clip from a personal rant I did back in January. It touches on Sandy Hook and what that might be about.

1 comment:

  1. Its all paid actors with a patsys druged up to play the villian or badguys. theres noone with any balls left to speakout.
