Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Prophetic Update 12-18-13

US backs Philippines and warns China over air zone, Hobbs Elementary in Wyoming Using Palm Scanners to Speed Up Lunch Lines, Chinese Hackers Brought Federal Election Commission to Stand-Still, Syrian Rebels Burning Civilians In Ovens, Israel prepares for short, intense war to deliver 'knock-out blow' to Hizbullah, Pope Francis named 'Person of the Year' by oldest American gay rights magazine, Obama 'sending message' by naming openly gay athletes as part of Sochi Olympic delegation, BARBARA WALTERS: 'We thought he was going to be the next Messiah'..., Doomsday preacher Harold Camping dies at 92, United Methodist Minister Who Officiated 'Gay Wedding' Refuses to Repent, Give Up Credentials, Democrat suggests every Home Schooling Parent should be investigated

1 comment:

  1. Walk contray to Fathers Word n get ready to face chastisment its simple..
