Tuesday, December 31, 2013


This is a fully functional facility in Fema Sector V in Ohio. Share this and Please Prepare. Something Big is about to happen.

Anyone wondering who the real terrorists are?? Anyone wondering what country is promoting worldwide terror?? Anyone wondering why so many soldiers kill themselves?? Anyone wondering what is going to happen when a majority of us citizens realizes what our government is doing?? Anyone wondering why fema and dhs are buying billions of hollow point bullets, militarizing the police, building huge detention centers, stockpiling millions of coffins?? ANYONE WONDERING???
Anyone wondering why the corporations get tax breaks for shipping ALL assembly lines overseas, the american population is loosing jobs at record rates, the economy corrupted with billions of toxic bonds, derivatives and credits, being lead into poverty, slowly striped of its constitutional rights, exposed to a massive mind numbing media tsunami of violence, gore and sex/porn?? ANYONE GETTING THE PICTURE?? Because once you are reduced to a poor, starving, deprived, uninformed, superstitious, stoic animal like state you will love the wip, the cell, the (at least warm) concentration camp and you will welcome death! Anyone wondering why a formerly educated and thinking population in the millions, with a constitution that was created overcoming tyranny has to be exterminated?? ANYONE?? BECAUSE IT IS IN THE WAY OF POPULATION REDUCTION AND THE CREATION OF AN AUTOCRATIC SLAVE PLANET WERE THE LEADING CLASS ENJOYS EVERYTHING AND I MEAN EVERYTHING YOU CAN POSSIBLY DREAM OF!!

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