Friday, December 20, 2013

Preston James - Stranger Than Fiction

Clip from December 13, 2013 - guest Preston James on the Jeff Rense Program.
Aliens or (others), the next terrorist… Quite the concept, but why is such an idea being created and slowly promoted? Billions and Billions are spent on exploration, deep space vessels, and technology to listen and observe far into space. If nothing else existed, this would seem wasted monies and yet this pursuit is real. You must be aware that real information is watered down by flooding communications and media systems with disinformation? And such expenditures are for what reason? If aliens or (others) visited this planet, is your belief they would have some conception of leadership or control on this planet? And what reason would they have to harm humans? Or maybe the underlying truth is that growth and development is constricted through the use of control, and such ideas do not establish worldly societies.

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