Friday, December 20, 2013

Obamacare and Interventionism ~ Peter G. Klein

Recently, Peter G. Klein appeared on the "The Wilkow Majority" radio program. In this excerpt, host Anthony Wilkow and Peter Klein discuss government intervention in healthcare and some of the resulting unintended consequences and market distortions. Klein is the Mises Institute's Executive Director and Carl Menger Research Fellow. For more information, visit the Mises Institute online at

1 comment:

  1. Don't you get it ..they don't care thats why they spead the high cost of so called healthcare gives you medicare so they can feed you more perscription drugs n you gladly take them as they don't cost you much money ... n you'll get more of dem just keep having that big bowl of GMO cornflakes with that milk from dem cows fed on GMO corn n shot up with hormones.. Yummy
