Saturday, December 21, 2013

Obama, Clinton Charged in Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy

Obama, Clinton Charged in Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Produced, written, and edited by Kris Zane. Narrated by Tom Hinchey
It doesn't surprise me that Obama is nothing more than a genocidal sociopath and he brings those of like minds into his fold of Bin Lying Followers. Although, Hillary Clinton, is really no follower, she's a hawk and a mass murderer who do anything to be the one true leader just like Obama thinks he is because he's above the law right now. Before Obamacare, it was Hillarycare. No joke! There's some really sick minded people in all our governmental main branches of government. Either they are on the take or just involved in the criminal enterprise of who gets what share of the bounty, in their NWO mob. The Obama administration has to go and with him all his corrupted organiztional criminal networking buddies. You're right, he must be impeached today. We need to clean house! Justice must be served hot, and not cold.

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