Monday, December 16, 2013

NSA Is THE DIGITAL OCTOPUS! Is It Time For A Bill Of Digital Rights?

What do all the NSA leaks tell us about the state of national security in the US? What is the real mission of the NSA and other intelligence agencies? And, is the national security state keeping us safe? CrossTalking with Suzanne Nossel and Eugene Puryear.

1 comment:

  1. I'm watching this. If you live in the USA like I do, of course the government won't tell us what they know. There is serious shit every fucking day that goes down. Preventing terrorism is true, they wouldn't tell us the details of course they won't. The US has a lot of enemies, there is a lot of disinformation going around to confuse the topics at hand, which are terrorism and threats to the USA. These jihadists are a threat to the world, and it doesn't help that we make them angrier every day by taking them out. One would wish we could take them all the jihadists and have a great civilization, however the threat is much bigger than most American's realize. No one is going to go after you for smoking out of a bong, or ranting jibberish. However there is real threat here in the USA and these animal people must be removed from the world as diseased elements. Mad apes are what they are.
