Thursday, December 12, 2013

Meteor explodes over Arizona ~ Prophetic Update 12-12-13

Meteor explodes over Arizona; big meteor shower begins, India Court Bans Gay Sex., US plans for Guam missile base seen as countering strength of China, Two Billion People Could Starve After a 'Limited' Nuclear War, U.S. Considers Russian Request To Install Satellite Monitoring Stations, Florida Sinkhole Destroys Two Homes, UK Supreme Court Recognizes Scientology as Official Religion, Pope Francis Is Time's 2013 Person Of The Year, Rio De Janeiro Hosts Mass Gay Wedding For 130 Couples,Russia may answer conventional attack with nukes, Is Disney really removing Christ from its traditional Christmas show?, Super-volcano that could blow up America, Village in Madagascar hit by deadly outbreak of bubonic plague, IRGC Commander says "Israel within Iran's Missile Range",

Jordan adopts Bill declaring Violence Against Israel Isn't "Terrorism" , Experts warn of Major Quake that could remove Los Angeles from the Map, Grocery Store Kicks Girls Off Property For Singing Christmas Carols... , Hindus join Satanists to demand display at Oklahoma Statehouse. More at or

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