Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lou Dobbs ~ The Next Obamacare Crisis To Drop? - Small Business Costs

The Next Obamacare Crisis To Drop? - Small Business Costs - Lou Dobbs - America's News HQ

The people have lost their spine and continue to vote for a political elite that have moved on from democracy and have ceased to act in the best interests of the people. Must admit I never thought I'd see that in the states. If you can find a way to stop it and reverse it, the sooner the better, but it will become increasingly difficult as the left leaning elite import a new electorate to elect them.Obama should have been impeached at least a year ago. America is so hell bent on making this administration a success that they are selling out the very foundational supports of the nation to do so. The next 3 years are going to be a very dangerous time for this nation if we continue to turn our back on this administration's criminal activities. This administration is doing no favors for the minorities of America whose representation is put at risk by the crime wave unleashed by the Obama administration.

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