Thursday, December 19, 2013

London Gold Vaults Empty, Saudi Arabia Ready to Act Alone Against Syria and Iran & Phony Fed Taper

The front page of USA Today says, "Fed: Era of Easy Money Ending." Yet, on the front of the business page, Fed Chief Ben Bernanke is quoted as saying "This is not intended to be a tightening . . . We're trying here to get a high level of accommodation." Which is it? Reports out of the Middle East are showing Saudi Arabia is ready to act alone against both Syria and Iran. You might remember the Kingdom bought a record $60 billion in arms from the U.S. back in 2010. A surprise is the revelation by Bloomberg that the London Gold vaults are "virtually empty." Where's the gold now? China. Join Greg Hunter of as he analyzes these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

1 comment:

  1. Ah but you forget ,Greg that the market said its final word,
    and that the Dow is at its highest ever, and Gold is in the toilet! Plus as far as Saudi Arabia starting a war with Iran on its own , nothing could be further from reality. Having lived and worked there for about 10 years, I can tell you that : true that the arms have been purchased at the tune of billions per year , but there is very little people that can operate them and they are just sitting gathering dust.Not to mention the extreme vulnerability of Saudi cities to any provocation , not to mention that Saudi - Iranian relations have never been better than today.
    It is very important ,Greg, not to imagine scenarios that are impossible in reality , and please accept my correction with an open mind.
