Tuesday, December 17, 2013

KAREN HUDES The World Bank Whistleblower Reveals Jesuit Plot

World Bank Whistle Blower Reveals Jesuit Plot. KAREN HUDES,The World Bank is at the very center of a world wide plan run amok, in an effort to prevent World War 3 the World Banks founders unfortunately let the power go to their head, and now despite their being no World War 3, there may not be anything left at all for the human race!


  1. where do the global elites factor into this tug of war over the financial system?

  2. Ms. Hude's comments about contacting counties to contact
    county executives to get in touch with their governors to recognize gold and silver is absurd. These folks COMPLETELY IGNORE any opinions and/or desires of their consitituents on a constant basis. And many of these state governors are also just paid off puppets of the global elite, on a lower level than Congress ( who also incidently ignores their votes on a daily basis. Take for instance the Governor of Wisconsin
