Sunday, December 1, 2013

Jon Rappoport - The Individual vs. The Planned State

Jon Rappoport is an investigative journalist, author and publisher of the web site He returns to discuss the ongoing conspiracy to collectivize humanity. Collectivism isn't about a mass outpouring of share and care and is not what will bring freedom. We'll discuss collectivism as a psyop and the usual prose formulated around this grand psyop. Jon explains the historical roots of collectivism that has tentacles in government, education and social sciences. Then, we talk about how the Individual is fading out as a concept. Individualism is becoming a myth, which plays in perfectly to facilitate the agenda of the "planned state." We talk about why the state hates the individual. Jon also elaborates on how collectivist reality is being manufactured and accepted.

He says, "This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, not with a whimper, but with a heavily armed, surveilled Disneyland. Everyone takes the same rides and eats the same cotton candy. In this cartoon called reality, whoever declines and defects is reeducated." Later, we discuss the collectivists' faith in state and the prospect of a socialist, egalitarian utopia with all its contradictions. Meanwhile, the notion of individual freedom and a free society is being associated with fear and evil deeds. The massive media control, brain washing and propaganda is indicative of just how afraid the controlling factions are of the individual. The hour ends speaking on freedom, which has no limit.

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