Tuesday, December 17, 2013


"This makes a lot of sense." Another viewer wrote, "It leaves room for no excuses for why any one, believer or not, can say he is not an Anti-Christ dictator. It's cool. It's extremely different than most Obama/Anti-Christ videos."

This is an investigative journalism style documentary that removes all doubt, as to what spiritual level the current U.S. president is operating on.

See for yourself how the Antichrist seated in the White House hides behind media propaganda, as he 'takes down' foreign Nations, the innocent, the US economy, and the American Nation.

1 comment:

  1. Obama isn't the antichrist far from it hes just doing what hes told to do from the powers that put him in office working to break down this once great country. Anti taken from the greek doesn't mean against Christ it means instead of Christ he will appear in the Holy Land Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus.2ndThessalonians 2:3 that man man of sin be revealed the son of perditionThe antiChrist will be satan himself when hes cast from Heaven to the earth Rev.12:6-9 we'll be in the 6th Trump n that time is knocking at the door As it states in Rev.13:3,4 when satan heals that deady wound of the beast(the one world stystem) all wondered n worshipped the dragonwhich just another name for satan.
    look how easily folks are decieved by men n woman in our government satan gonna have a field day with folks in this world as few have been taught Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse with understanding. Visit ShepherdsChapeln give a listen to a lecture then after Pastor Murray answers Bible questions that folks send in it will be the best hour you might ever spend n be amazed what you've never been taught from Fathers Letter to us the Bible.
