Friday, December 13, 2013

INFOWARS Nightly News: with Lee Ann McAdoo Friday December 13 2013: Sheriff Mack

Friday: The Nightly News. Defense Analysts: U.S. Should Plan For War With China. Plus, Developing News Stories Regarding The Wichita Suicide Bomb Incident & Unfortunately Another School Shooting.
--Date: 12/13/2013--
On The December 13, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts With Special Guest Sheriff Richard Mack On Jury Nullification. News Covered: Defense Analysts: U.S. Should Plan For War With China. Feds say they disrupted suicide bomb plot by worker at Wichita airport. White House Front Group Vows to Target Alternative Media. Defense Analysts: U.S. Should Plan For War With China. Kim Jong-un executes uncle: Jang Song-thaek had been North Korea's No. 2. Iraq is still bleeding 10 years after Saddam Hussein's capture. Al-qaeda gains members after 15 killed in drone strike. Lawmakers who oversee government surveillance programs receive millions. Man Claims Harassment From Telemarketers After Signing Up For Obamacare. 'Mandela signer faced murder rap in 2003' IMF Wants a 71 Percent Tax Rate.

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