Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Illuminati WW3 Conspiracy

Illuminati - Conspiracy Documentary 2013 Full About Illuminati, Apocalypse and WWIII

Planned and executed by shadowy multi-generational fascists bent on world domination and genocidal depopulation, the wars surrounding Israel and Nuclear Armageddon are being scripted to cast in stone a totalitarian one world government for the western and European oligarchy, and elite bankster class. The film paints a very bleak picture of the state of world affairs with few glimmers of hope, however viable options are presented, and the brutal truth is revealed on such issues as Syria, Iran, Russia, China, DPRK, Missile Defense, Depleted Uranium Munitions, Israel and Palestine, past and current wars, Economic Slavery, and the march to Nuclear Winter.

The balance of M.A.D. is more precarious than it was during the Cuban missile crisis, with preemptive nuclear war doctrine on the table, doomsday seed vaults and D.U.M.B.'s, NATO encroachment in post soviet satellite states, and antimissile shield elements chipping away at Russian and Sino- nuclear deterrence. The global war on terror is an obvious facade to the not so secret agenda of world hegemony and domination by western and European elites. UK through NATO and American military surrogates make clear the war planning is ultimately global in nature and it is clear that Russia, China, and all countries not fully under the forced depopulation and debt slavery N.W.O. system will ultimately be targeted.

To clarify, this video does not predict apocalyptic wars, heinous 9/11 scale false flag terror attacks, civil war, genocidal ramping up of the depopulation agenda, or total collapse for 2013 specifically, (however probable); 2013 is in the title because that was the compilation date as well as most of the content revolves around war scenarios coalescing in 2013. The subject content is very relevant for the summer of 2013 and beyond, as we see the WW3 triggers being pulled with reckless abandon on the diplomatic, covert, and military provocation side of world affairs. According to Pentagon war planning the current war agendas are fore-casted out as far as 2025, and by then they plan on basically having conquered every nation on Earth, great or small, nuclear armed or not. (Killing in the name of peace of course) As many of you know, they are well on their way in that aim already, (one world government) with UN, NATO, USA, and other puppet powers war efforts, however the chances of total one world government coming to fruition without hellish nuclear war being triggered is about as bleak a prospect as a snowballs chance in Hell. Ending this march to oblivion is of paramount importance and is the main goal of the video; having awakened to the apocalypse conspiracy, it is up to viewers to do whatever they can to stop this slow march to Hell on Earth.

Imminent threats in proxy war fronts, Terror drills and false flag warning dates coming and going without incident, red lines being crossed and then redrawn; none of this is a reason to dismiss the cleptocracy's plans to carry out another 9/11 style mass casualty false flag terror attack, genocidally depopulate the planet with bio and chemical weapons mass casualty attacks, and wage hellish global thermonuclear war. These threats will remain indefinitely until the treasonous actors are routed out of positions of power across the globe completely and permanently.

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