Saturday, December 7, 2013

Human - Alien Hybrid Experiments at Dulce Underground Base ?

This show looks into the claims of undercover investigators and former military personnel about Dulce Base, an alleged alien facility that exists somewhere below a mesa near Dulce, New Mexico, where human-alien hybrid experiments are being performed and how the beings there came into deadly conflict with military personnel.

Dulce Base is an alleged secret alien underground facility under Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado-New Mexico border near the town of Dulce, New Mexico in the United States. Claims of alien activity there first arose from Albuquerque businessman Paul Bennewitz.

Abductees of all ages and genders sometimes report being subjected to a "child presentation." As its name implies, the child presentation involves the abduction claimant being shown a "child." Often the children appear to be neither human, nor the same species as the abductors. Instead, the child will almost always share characteristics of both species. These children are labeled by experiencers as hybrids between humans and their abductors, usually Greys.

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