Sunday, December 22, 2013

How The Banks Are Stealing Your Money

Following the housing crisis in 2008, a massive investigation revealed that many US banks were responsible for pushing unaffordable mortgages, issuing higher rates to minorities who were qualified for a better rate, having employees 'robo-sign' foreclosure documents, and other offenses.

In 2012, the Justice Department found that banking giant Bank of America had illegally requested information from potential customers who requested loans.

The Federal Reserve found in 2011 that Wells Fargo is accountable for steering up to 10,000 customers into subprime loans even though they qualified for better rates. The bank has so far failed to compensate the victims.

Consumer advocates and lawmakers have criticized the delay, saying it is increasingly difficult for some borrowers to recover financially.

About 1.5 million US properties are actively involved in the foreclosure process and bank-owned assets in the first quarter of 2013.

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