Thursday, December 26, 2013

Glenn Beck on The Federal Reserve's creation, history and impact.

Glenn Beck gives a very critical summary of the Federal Reserve's creation, history and impact.

The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender and insurance underwriter to the U.S. The subject matter insured by the Federal Reserve is the Public National Credit System. Which is a maritime venture for profit under limited liability for the payment of debt. If you have a Social Security number the you are surety for all of it. Americans are the surety underwriters for the national banking system, derivatives, Social Security, and the Federal debt. Fractional reserve banking and non substantive tender (legal tender) cannot exist in the Common Law only in Admiralty and Maritime Law (Roman civil law). And when the credit commune is entered the individual forfeits payment of debts and substitutes a mere discharge of the obligation in it's place. The individual lost access to their Common Law rights and was handed civil rights, AKA privileges.

The Fed Reserve is owned by the Rothschilds and other Europeans.Act of 1871 . Thomas Jefferson, on his deathbed stated “Warn the committee to be on their guard” He was referring to the parallel form of government of the people. The Committee of Safety authorized and equipped the Continental Army. The Committee of Safety was the source of regulating the Militia. Interestingly, those
Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck
prohibited from being in the Committee of Safety lost citizenship as a result of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (this would include bar attorneys, bankers (Federal Reserve Bank officers), active duty law enforcement officers, or any other person who has acquired a privilege indicating an aristocratic relationship to the citizens). "You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning." Wrecking Balls and Bulldozers are the answer.

1 comment:

  1. We all know how they're looting this and every other country that has a central bank, until we get a president n vice president along with congress thats not in bed with the bankers elimanate the fed reserve n start printing our own money we will never get out from being a slave til our debt keeps going higher then these elite familes that own the fed buy up all the real stuff as gold oil n land for themslves so to keep the control of the people
