Thursday, December 5, 2013

Geoengineering Out Of Control ~ Jeff Rense & Dane Wigington

Clip from December 02, 2013 - guest Dane Wigington on the Jeff Rense Program.Dane Wigington and Jeff Rense discuss the geoengineering assault against all life on the planet.
"God will destroy those who destroy the earth." Rev. 11:18 We were to be caretakers of the earth, we are the masterpiece of creation upon the earth, but all who reject God embrace the liar and his lies. He compartmentalized arrogant people to bring forward his global death cult: Abortion, Euthanasia, GMO's (God Move Over), disease made in labs, chemtrails, sterilizing vaccines, perpetual war, gov't control,   keep us on the wide road to destruction.

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