Monday, December 23, 2013

FARRAKHAN Exposes The ROTHSCHILD Bankers and their NEW WORLD ORDER Agenda

If Farrakhan spent more time exposing the new world order and less time pimping race division, he'd become a prime target, especially if he started spreading a message of unity across all races in opposition to the globalist agenda.

Late last month Kanye West caused a bit of a riff stemming from his Power 105 Breakfast Club interview where he stated that black people aren't afforded the same opportunities as Jewish people due to the lack of resources and connections provided.

West's opinion went on to capture the attention of the Anti-Defamation League who deemed the comment as an example of "classic anti-Semitism" and prompting a response from the controversial rapper.

To the Grammy Award-winner's defense, Minister Louis Farrakhan has released a video clip advising him not to apologize for his actions.

"Now the ADL has jumped on Kanye West, because he said; 'Black people don't have the same level of connections as Jewish people. Black people don't have the same connection as oil people.' Did he lie? No, he told the truth."

Check out Minister Farrakhan's response to the ADL's statement against Kanye in the video clip below.

Minister Farrakhan then went on to expose the present plot of the Fed to deflate the value of the dollar and swallow up all the real estate in America that has an outstanding mortgage. On September 13, 2012, while the American people were being distracted by events in Libya and the Middle East, the Federal Reserve announced the extension and modification of "Operation Twist," a so-called stimulus move that was launched in September of 2011. ben bernanke

When you print more money not backed by gold, silver or any tangible commodity, the value of the dollars in circulation goes down. This will make America's exports cheaper, but it will decrease the spending power of Americans, who now purchase many goods from China. The American public will then blame China for inflating prices instead of the Fed for dumping more money in the system.


  1. The Rothschilds are not true Jews from the 2 sons or better said tribes of Jacob that formed the House of Judah the Rothschilds are most likely Kenites children of Cain whos father was satan, yes both Adam n Eve were beguiled in the Garden look up the word beguiled in a Strongs Concordane from the hebrew decirved seduced from the greek wholy seduced. Adam was not the father of Cain satan was. Visit Shepherds Chapel n find the Truth taught of Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse n you'll be amazed what you never have been taught eventhou you've sat in the pews every sunday.

  2. Wishing Nicole the host of this site would put on Shepherds Chapel lectures it would spirittutaly feed us with Trurh not normalliy taught in most churches from Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse. Just planting a seed of truth.

    1. Are you sure that the bible in its present form is really the word of the Almighty God ??? you very well know that we only have translation of translation of other translations and everyone during the ages added or subtracted or changed the wording to serves his own agenda ...the true original bible does not exist anymore and I would be careful calling this one The Word of God

  3. listen if you have eyes to see n hears to ear if not in time you will understand
