Saturday, December 21, 2013

Egyptian Journalist : U.S. Foreign Policy & World's Oil Supply Controlled by Britain & The Rothschild

Egyptian Journalist Amr Sombol: U.S. Foreign Policy and World's Oil Supply Controlled by Britain & The Rothschild

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian journalist Amr Sombol, which aired on Al-Tahrir TV on October 22, 2013:

Interviewer: It was Ahmad Salah who wrote an article in The Guardian, in which he wrote that Mubarak possessed 70 billion dollars.

Amr Sombol: Yes.

Interviewer: Does The Guardian publish articles by just anybody?

Amr Sombol: It publishes what Ahmad Salah wrote, because he is controlled from abroad. He studied at the ICNC – the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict – which was founded and is directed by Jewish billionaire Albert [sic] Ackerman. Ackerman also happens to be a member of CFR [Council on Foreign Relations], which is the most important American institution that determines U.S. policy. It may even determine who gets to be president.

These three institutions that determine America's general policy, and especially its foreign policy... The first is the Trilateral Commission, which was founded by John D. Rockefeller [sic]. The coincidence here – and I don't believe that it was really a coincidence – is that John D. Rockefeller was the owner of the World Trade Center towers, which were attacked in 2001. The Trilateral Commission was founded by John D. Rockefeller... Sorry, I mean David Rockefeller, who is considered the wealthiest man on the face of the Earth. Without exaggeration, his wealth reaches 100 trillion dollars. He controls half the oil wells in the world. The other half are controlled by his friend, Rothschild. There are four companies, but it's a broad topic, which we can't...

Interviewer: Okay. So what you want to show is that the April 6 movement is supported by, or in fact, founded by Jews.

Amr Sombol: Exactly.

Interviewer: By American Jews...

Amr Sombol: Yes, of course.

Interviewer: By intelligence agencies.

Amr Sombol: Absolutely


Unfortunately, when we talk in Egypt about American intelligence, we immediately think of the CIA. But there are 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, each more dangerous than the other.

Interviewer: In different ways...

Amr Sombol: Yes. They have a specific way of infiltrating each and every country. Minority rights in Sudan led to the partitioning of Sudan. In Egypt, human rights might lead to disasters, but our Lord will protect this glorious country, Allah willing.

Many countries have been fooled by revolutions. They are subject to plots, under the guise of revolutions. Take the French revolution, for example. It was a conspiracy, and it should go down in history as a conspiracy, but to this day, 200 years later, it is known as the "French Revolution." We don't want January 25 to be celebrated as a "revolution" five years or two years down the line, or even next year.


Personally, I do not believe that the U.S. rules the world. It is Britain that rules the world, through the U.S.

Interviewer: One is the brain and the other is the brawn –Britain provides the financing and the U.S. does the scheming, or vice versa?

Amr Sombol: The royal family in Britain and its men want to be behind the scenes. We all say that America is the Great Satan – and indeed, it is - but what we don't know...

Interviewer: It always seems as if Britain follows the American decisions. In the war in Iraq, for example, and in other decisions, Britain follows it.

Amr Sombol: It only appears like that.

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