Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dr. Scott McQuate ~ End of the World - Nibiru DNA The Tribulation UFO's Anunaki and More

End of the World - Nibiru DNA The Tribulation UFO's Anunaki and More With Dr. Scott McQuate .End of the World? is where Dr. Scott McQuate shares fascinating and timely information from his years of in-depth research into the Bible and other ancient texts including the Sumerian Cuneiform. Learn what has been intentionally hidden for thousands of years beneath the ancient texts including the Bible and discover the truth about Planet Nibiru (Planet X), The Creation of Man, UFO's, Aliens, The Great Pyramid, The Ark of the Covenant, The Tribulation, The End of the World, Secrets of the Illuminati and more. This crucial information is highly-interesting and is available nowhere else on the planet so get it while you can

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