Sunday, December 8, 2013

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (12-04-2013) CTTBS w-Johnny English

On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes back radio show show host and friend Johnny English for another episode of there ongoing series titled CUTTING THROUGH THE BS. On tonight's episode Popeye "knocks the rust off the joints" for his first official broadcast since getting back from his road trip to Dallas for the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK. The two of them get into a bunch of topics including: The U.S.S. Alabama War Museum having a twisted policy concerning discounts for disabled veterans; Obamacare's disastrous roll-out, and website issues; The fact that the Obamacare website was built without security in mind, at all; The infrastructure of our country falling apart because no money is being spent to upgrade roads built during the Eisenhower administration; The takeover of education, and Common Core; A cop from one FL city, protesting Obamacare in another FL city, was arrested for not taking off a Guy Fawkes mask, and much more.

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