Thursday, December 5, 2013

Does America have a Future ~ Coast To Coast AM Alternative HH

Coast To Coast AM Alternative HH - Does America have a Future


  1. as Nathan Rothschild stated way back in the 1800's I care not who is presidentbut let me controll the money thats how this country is run..if you desire some Truth visit ShepherdsChapel teaching Fathers Word to us chapter by chapter verse by verse with the understanding a child can absorb.

  2. Pastor Murray @ShepherdsChapel

  3. America will fail, because the existence of America and every other country on Earth blocks God's Agenda of a Satanic one World Government.

    Bad must happen before good.

    Read your Bible, because without the Devil's Satanic One World Government- we can't have God's One World Government of 1000 years of peace.

    God's coming Government is much more superior than the Government of man.

    Please Lord, continue to allow Satan to gain rule so you can destroy it.

    Christian Conservative White Folks keep writing their death warrant. Satan has deceived you already, and most of you even the so called Truther wing of the Conservatives don't even realize how trapped you are.

    You guys are like the Old Black Panthers- you know the good ones.


    - The Black Man
