Sunday, December 15, 2013

Doc Marquis : The Illuminati Frontmen

Doc Marquis breaks down the Illuminati card game and the men behind the vale.
Joseph "Doc" Marquis (born 26 October 1956) is a Christian writer who claims to be an ex-member of the Illuminati. According to his version of events, he was initiated into the group at the age of four by his foster aunt, became a high priest at thirteen and a master witch at seventeen before eventually leaving in 1979. He claims that, since then, the Illuminati has tried to kill him[1] He says that other people involved with the Illuminati include Charles Manson, Sharon Tate (whom Manson was sent to assassinate as she wanted to leave) and alleged alien abductee Whitley Streiber ("the biggest, the most obnoxious individual I've ever met", says Doc)

.[1] He claims that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is genuine evidence of a conspiracy, but one organised by the Illuminati rather than Jews.[2] Marquis says that Satan has assigned seven demons with controlling hell and interfering with human affairs: Rege ("deals with such drugs as marihuana, hashish, cocaine, speed, LSD, peyote and mescaline... [and] is also responsible for seeing that music is hexed"); Larz ("Demon of Sexual lust, homosexuality, bi-sexuality, adultery, and other such sexual pleasure"); Bacchus ("Demon of addictions, such as [to] drugs, smoking, and alcohol"); Pan ("causes mental illnesses, depression, suicide, nerves, and rejection"); Medit ("Demon of hate, murder, killing, war, jealousy, envy, and gossip"); Set ("Demon of Death") and a seventh, unnamed demon "so powerful that most witches won't even bother him" whose job is "Getting Christians to talk about each other through gossiping and causing strife within the church" Doc's book Secrets of the Illuminati contains an elaborate seal with the phrase "I, Witch" written above it in red, representing the New World Order. The Cutting Edge Ministries website - an eager supporter of Marquis' claims - explains that this is not the official NWO seal but merely a diagram outlining Doc's theories.[4] Apparently, the "I" part "depicts the extremely self-centered, self-proclaimed wise and righteous man who is working mightily for Lord Satan to achieve this new system". The outer circle lists the "many organizations which are striving mightily and cooperatively for the New World Order": Catholicism, Satanism, Rosicrucians, Dungeons and Dragons, the eight "Satanic Sabbaths" and the Cabala, represented by Hebrew text reading "Witchcraft Today For As Much Within Ancient Babylon". Cabala is actually a mystic philosophy, but according to this lot it's "the most influential of all secret societies in the drive to the New World Order". The second circle is apparently "comprised of [sic] the most influential human activity possible": the Illuminati, the Masons, the United States seals ("The Two Seals of Our Doom"), the House of Rothschild, the rock and roll industry and the Black Pope. Sounding rather like one of those seventies exploitation films, the Black Pope is apparently a Jesuit leader who is "believed to wield the real absolute power within the Vatican".

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