Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Caesar Obama and the Demise of Pax Americana

Take a journey back through history examining the ups and downs of human civilizations with historian and best-selling author, William Federer.

Bill shares his historical insights on the human race's 6,000 year history grappling for freedom and prosperity through the concentrated powers of emperors, monarchs, & dictators.

The United States of America has proven to provide enormous prosperity, but is the Obama administration moving backwards in time towards authoritarianism and despotism.

Bill Federer ran a political campaign run for a house seat in Missouri back in 2000 and set records by raising over $3 million dollars from over 35,000 small contributors nation-wide. His newest book, "Change to Chains, Volume 2: The Rise of the Tyrant" will be available early next year. He's also host of the daily radio show, "American Minute."

What can we learn from past mistakes of former prosperous civilizations to improve our own country?

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