Ben Fulford (Dec 28 2013) ~ About Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Visit To The Yasukuni Shrine
Let us examine this sterile debate for what it really is. For over 60 years, any time Japan has tried to assert a little bit of independence from its Zionist conquerors, their politicians have been murdered, bribed or blackmailed to put them back into line. Any time Japan shows independence in foreign policy, they are reminded of war crimes committed more than 68 years ago. Their politicians are ordered to go to the Yasukuni shrine to provoke a knee-jerk reaction among their neighbours to make sure Japan remains isolated.
There is no denying that the Japanese military government of the World War II years committed war crimes. A Japanese veteran I will call Mr. F. who participated in the Nanjing massacre told me what he saw and witnessed. He said that Nanjing was defended by elite Chinese troops who killed many of the Japanese attackers. He recalled how a friend of his lay badly wounded in the no-mans’ zone between the Japanese and the Chinese troops. For over 24 hours he moaned in pain and cried for help. However, any time anybody tried to go to his aid, they were shot so the Japanese were forced to listen in vain to his cries.
Finally, when the Japanese troops tunneled under the city gates and blew them up with dynamite they entered the city full of rage. Mr. F. cried as he told me how they killed any man, woman and child they saw. He says most of the civilians had been evacuated from the city before the siege and that most of the Chinese killed were family of the defending troops. In the 76 years since that day, Mr. F. has lived in regret of his actions and in sadness at the memory of all the deaths he witnessed. He told me that war was something that should never happen. I believe in the end, if there is a God, that Mr. F. will be forgiven.
There were also many other Japanese war crimes that are missing from the post war debate for some mysterious reason. For example, I visited a Japanese Island where they still store tons of poisonous gas that was used to kill hundreds of thousands of Chinese during the conflict in Asia. Then there is the notorious 731 medical warfare brigade that engaged in cruel human experiments and deliberately spread infectious diseases and biological warfare agents.
The Zionists do not like to remind people of these war crimes for a very good reason. That is because they have been using these very same instruments of murder almost non-stop in the 68 years since Japan surrendered and became a peaceful nation.
The victors of World War II were never tried for their war crimes such as indiscriminate bombing of civilians or the murder of over 6 million Germans troops after they had surrendered.
Furthermore, the Zionists slave regime known as the United States of America has been using and developing Japanese chemical and biological warfare technology ever since World War II ended. They used biological warfare agents against North Korea during the Korean War and chemical agents against North Vietnam during the Vietnam war. They have also been spreading disease agents around the world to this day as a part of their efforts to remove what they call “useless eaters,” from the face of the planet.
Nor do we hear about the massive ongoing Zionist human slave and prostitution rackets that still exist to this day.
For that reason, whenever I hear shrill attacks against Japan about Nanjing or “comfort women,” I wonder why these same people are silent about the ongoing Zionists murders.
The reason is because they are merely brainwashed puppets repeating slogans given to them by their Zionist masters.
The Communist Chinese are also hypocrites because they never mention the tens of millions of people who starved to death during the Great Leap Forward or the mass destruction of priceless cultural and historical records during the Cultural Revolution. Until they do, they have no right to take the moral high ground.
Finally, I want to note that Zionism has nothing to do with Jews. Over 90% of my mother’s grandfather’s Jewish Hollander family and a similar percentage of my father’s mother’s Weller family were murdered by these same Zionists. These people worship Death, not Life or God or Yahweh or Buddha or Allah or any of the other symbols of genuine religious worship.
It is time to destroy their insidious propaganda networks, re-educate their brainwashed agents and arrest the Zionist leadership. All of their still continuing murders must be then put to a final stop. After that, instead of endlessly remembering ancient crimes, we should work together to build an ideal planet known for peace, prosperity, progress and harmony with nature.
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