Friday, December 27, 2013

ALERT: Africa Says "NO!" to GMO

Many countries in the third world have been rejecting the food that we in the West have been scarfing down. It's a real eye opener when you understand that this food is in everything we eat but these poor countries won't even touch it!

Reject the GMO. Reject the CANCER that comes along with it.

China rejects shipments of genetically modified corn
Last year, Zimbabwe and Tanzania, two African nations experiencing ongoing famine
Starving Zimbabwe rejects GM maize
Zambia Rejects Gene-Altered U.S. Corn
Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe also asked that the seeds from GM foods be milled before being distributed in their countries
Mahama Asked To Reject GMO Seeds Bill


  1. Yes that yummy bowl of GMO cornflakes to start your day be sure n fill it up n put that wholesome milk from cows feed GMO corn then shotup with hormones oh but don't worry the FDA says its all good for you n your kids. Now if start feeling sick go to a doctor he'll prescribe some good toxic medication so you'll be coming back for more its a good way to bring this country down wouldn't you say?

  2. thats when Obamacare kicks in n if you don't have it guess what the IRS gonna be knockin on your door you better pay up ...
