Saturday, November 9, 2013

World Wide Uprising against the Mainstream Media

Activists, that may not necessarily identify as Anonymous, are planning for a Worldwide March Against Mainstream Media[1] on Nov 16th. Similar to the recent Million Mask March that was largely organized by Anonymous, that we also reported on here[2] and here[3]
The full text of their call to action is as follows:
“MARCH AGAINST MAINSTREAM MEDIA is more than just a protest. It is an attack against the credibility of the mainstream media in an attempt to steer its viewers away from its lies and towards alternative media sources. There are too many important things happening today that go ignored or spun by the MSM and unnoticed by the mass public. On November 16th, organized protest in the United States will be brought to the doorstep of all large mainstream media studio headquarters including: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and FOX News. With enough support from truthseekers out at their local MSM studio locations on November 16, we will force the hand of those media outlets and they will be pushed to make a decision.

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