Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Welfare Recipient: "I Get to Sit Home... I Get to Smoke Weed... We Still Gonna Get Paid"

In America, those who work get punished. Those who don't, get a free ride, courtesy of a nationwide policy of spreading the wealth around through confiscation and redistribution.

Case in point: A welfare recipient in Austin recently contacted a morning radio show and explained that she gets a lot of money from the program. What she does with it may (or may not) surprise you.

Here's how your hard earned money is being used to help the less fortunate:

"While workers out there are preaching morality at people like me living on welfare, can you really blame us?"

"I get to sit home... I get to go visit my friends all day... I even get to smoke weed..."

"Me and people that I know that are illegal immigrants that don't contribute to society, we still gonna get paid."

"Our check's gonna come in the mail every month... and it's gonna be on time... and we get subsidized housing... we even get presents delivered for our kids on Christmas... Why should I work?"

"Ya'll get the benefit of saying "oh, look at me, I'm a better person," but when ya'll sit at home behind ya'lls I'm a better person... we the ones gettin' paid!"

"So can you really blame us?"


  1. It's garbage like this that needs to be stopped. Everyone on welfare should have to be subject to drug testing and surprise drug testing. If they fail the test or can not be reached to take the test. "As dodging it." They should no longer ever be able to get on welfare!!! Fix this garbage!!!

  2. You White Conservative actually believe this nonsense.

    Absolute Bullshit.

    The caller is an Anti-Welfare Troll trying to piss you people off more.

    It's either that, or the show itself set this up as a stunt.

    $425 for Food Stamps that's 8 Kids not 3 Kids money.

    Man you White Folks are Fucking Gullible.

    1. Lmao that is not for 8 kids. When work was slow one year during the winter. I had to get food stamps. Which I pay my dues for every year I work.

      I got paid 368 a month for just me and my daughter. So please tell me how you came up with that is for 8 kids!!!

  3. Also Welfare Money doesn't come from the city.

    It's Federally Allocated to states so that the States themselves can disburse it.

    When you guys believe this nonsense, it's just another Canary in the Coal Mine that shows the Liberty Movement=FAIL.

    Nobody on Welfare listens to this Conservative Ass Shit, unless they are trying to stir the pot. That could have been a White Liberal Chick, or a Black Woman Trolling to piss you off towards your Race War walk off Doom.

    If you can't even see a lie like this, what in the fuck are you going to do when the Government really tricks you?


    They will take your guns, and you fools are playing right into their game, but with the Racist, Sociopathic way many of you Libertarians act... Shit, I'm starting to think that maybe you should have your guns taken away?

    Shit, Maybe I might troll so I can goat White Libertarians into a Race War that will result in you getting your guns taken away, because they will take the White Man's registered Guns?

    But hey, that's what you get for buying Guns on the Government's list.

    People like me have Guns on the DL (down low), and off of the Registry, because we don't want the Government to even know that we have guns. We won't get ours taken away when it's Gun Confiscation Time.

    The Only 3 kinds of people who will have Guns when it's all over will be the Police, Criminals, and DL'ers like myself.

    Most people with DL guns live in the Hood, remember that.

    And Gun Confiscation Time will Come....

    - The Black Man

    1. I am white and the lady on the phone sounded white. So it has nothing to do with race. It is my feeling and or belief. That everyone that deserves help should get help. But, There are many out there that milk the system.

      So is it wrong to not put an end to the ones that milk the system. When they should get their ass out there and get a job. Just like everyone else that pays their dues?

  4. the problem is folks do not understand that they exist now on a different realm, we are not in 1989, however 89% of american workers believe that they are! the reality today is not a 1989 reality wake up, and look at your I-phone, at a robot, at the internet sales and ask yourself why there are no longer any typewriters around once you understand that folks will understand the 2013 realm. so folks the reasons are many! so americans confuse americans will destroy each others, for the benefit of someone you folks not even know! moreover total misunderstanding of reality, labor, demographics in fact americans most of them are totally off. get into the 2013 facts to exist properly.

  5. I Guess there's some mythical job tree I don't know about.

    The whole problem is jobs.

    Not enough people are working, so therefore governments are installing austerity measures, as they are not garnering tax revenues.

    America needs at least 5 new industries to create the massive amount of jobs that's needed, as well as business growth opportunities.
