Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wayne Madsen ~ National Security Agency Surveillance: Reflections and Revelations, 2001-2013

The National Security Agency ignited a firestorm of controversy with widespread surveillance and eavesdropping.

Edward Snowden has stated no phone call is made in America without being noted by the Federal Government. Documents reveal the NSA even spied on the Pope.

Revelations of spying on world leaders and foreign nationals may change Washington. Congress is now considering a bill that would require Senate confirmation of any future head of the spy agency.

The Obama Administration said any check on its power in this matter could harm national security.

Even California Senator Dianne Feinstein is in favor of the confirmation process. Feinstein is normally an avid supporter of the spy agency. President Obama may name a civilian to head the NSA under intense public pressure to reform the agency.

Polls show the American people are largely opposed to the surveillance program.
Wayne Madsen
Wayne Madsen

Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who has been researching the NSA for several years. He is the author of National Security Agency Surveillance: Reflections and Revelations.

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