Tuesday, November 19, 2013

War for Peace ~ Humanitarianism or Democracy through Liberation

I know now why people in the world are so hostile against certain Western states - for the horror, deaths and tribulations, genocide they brought onto these people in the name of humanitarianism or democracy through liberation. (If you were to lose your loved one, how would you feel against the people who perpetrated the crimes committed? Forgive them? Ignore them? Indifferent? - I guess not. Hatred is thus created, casted and cemented, and it will never, ever go away. And, in the meantime, the "war against terrorists", created by the few for the benefits of the few, wages on - while the innocents suffer. Regrettably the chickens will come home to roost - one of these days.

Yemen is one of the hardest-hit targets of America's deadly drone campaign. But despite President Obama's promise of more transparency, relatively little is known about who is actually being killed there. RT's Lucy Kafanov was able to reach one Yemeni village, where a community has been devastated by the effects of drone strikes.

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