Thursday, November 28, 2013

U.S. Monitored World Leaders Communications At Toronto G20 Summit And Canadian Officials Approved It

November 27, 2013 CBC News : U.S. Monitored World Leaders Communications At Toronto G20 Summit And Canadian Officials Approved It .Now more than ever I think it reasonable to consider that these officials and their minions are hollow shells occupied and controlled by purely evil entities with a Machiavellian agenda so broad sweeping that it would make "1984" and "Brave New World" look like nursery rhymes. Megalomania, psychopathologies and sociopathologies drive them. They can see the train coming and are deluded into thinking they will be immune from whatever evil outside influences are driving them. Wasn't Richard M. Nixon impeached before resignation for similar but far less egregious crimes? This further demonstrates we live under the control of unethical, paranoid thugs that squander our resources in aims of taking all they can while simultaneously conspiring to turn all of us into slaves.

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