Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Obama Administration May Seek To Ban Some Type Of Guns ~ Craig B Hulet

Craig B Hulet was both speech writer and Special Assistant for Special Projects to Congressman Jack Metcalf (Retired). He has been a consultant to federal law enforcement ATF&E of Justice/Homeland Security for over 20 years. Hulet served in Vietnam 1969-70, 101st Airborne, C Troop 2/17th Air Cav and graduated 3rd in his class at Aberdeen Proving Grounds Ordnance School MOS 45J20 Weapons. He remains a paid analyst and consultant in various areas of geopolitical, business and security issues.

the Obama administration may seek to ban some type of guns. Hulet argued that while the progressive left has been on the leading edge of protest when it comes to the chipping away at 1st and 4th amendment rights, they are working against supporting the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms. "Obama has threatened to use an executive order to ban specific sidearms or assault weapons," and this is both a violation and debasement of the Constitution, he declared.

"I think the NRA has long failed in protecting gun rights because of their approach," Hulet continued, adding that anti-gun groups/progressives make a better argument against guns "because they lie better" in their twisting of the facts. If we lose the 2nd Amendment, then there's nothing in the Bill of Rights or Constitution that won't go out the window, Hulet lamented, noting that privacy rights have already been heavily eroded.

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