Friday, November 22, 2013

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Friday November 22 2013: JFK 50th, Then Cops Attack Alex

Friday: The Alex Jones Show. Dallas Authorities Assault Peaceful Protesters Exercising Their 1st Amendment Right, On Live Streaming Video.
JFK assassination 50th anniversary
-- Date: 11/22/2013 --
On this 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination, Alex broadcasts live from the scene of the crime in Dallas as the corporate media converges on Dealey Plaza and puts the establishment's spin on today's momentous event. Alex and the Infowars team defy the wishes of Dallas officialdom that had earlier attempted to suspend the First Amendment by outlawing citizens from engaging in the time-honored American tradition of pamphleteering and displaying banners with political messages. Earlier this week, authorities relented under threat of lawsuits by groups such as COPA and now begrudgingly allows limited First Amendment rights in designated areas. Infowars Nightly News host David Knight rides shotgun with Alex from the command center in Austin, Texas. Check out the live feed at

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