Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Thursday November 7 2013: Bill Still

Unchecked Tyranny
-- Date: 11/07/2013
On this Thursday, November 7 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News host David Knight covers today's bombshell news on the dangerous expansion of government power and control. During a television show, a prominent gay activist called for mandatory abortions in order to reduce the human population. Government officials reveal that the CIA pays AT&
T millions of dollars for phone records. In other news,country music performers slammed Obamacare during a performance at the CMA Awards. Film producer and journalist Bill Still joins the show to discuss the upcoming 100-year anniversary of the banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve. David and the Infowars crew take your calls and answer your questions throughout the broadcast.

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