Friday, November 8, 2013

The Alex Jones Show (Commercial Free AUDIO) Friday November 8 2013: Michael Maloof

Obama's Military Purge
-- Date: 11/08/2013
On the Friday, November 8 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the ridiculousness of the War on Drugs in New Mexico and across the country as citizens are being routinely forced to undergo anal cavity probes in search for drugs mostly shipped in by the US government. Alex explores the potential "nightmare ripple effect" response to food stamp cuts, which went into effect earlier this month, and also analyzes Israel's reaction to news of a possible nuclear deal between
the U.S. and Iran, and Obama's lukewarm apology for leading Americans to believe they could keep their health plans. On today's show, Alex welcomes World Net Daily writer F. Michael Maloof to break down the ongoing purge of military leaders and officers sweeping the armed forces, with several sources confirming to Infowars that the Army's "litmus test" asks whether or not they would feel comfortable firing on American citizens. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide transmission.

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