Friday, November 1, 2013

The 2nd American Revolution Begins Nov 19 !

Larry Klayman calls on millions to mass at White House to demand Obama's resignation on Nov. 19, 2013 in Lafayette Park beginning at 10:00am.


  1. Dear Max

    I think it is a mistake to call it a revolution. I believe in revolution and I believe will come. Actually I think Revolution is a great thing, which includes an all-around change, larger than most of us can imagine. It also needs a proper idea or ideology, which makes it difficult today, because so many people are a little thierd of ideologies. The word "revolution"was used in the "Arabic uprising" and other uprisings in newer time. But whithout being encompassing with an proper ideology or clear idea about the result it has not been the big change that people hoped for. The main problem we face is that the insane accumulation of wealth. All the wealth has to be rational distributed, wooden insane distributed today.

  2. Larry, Today is nothing like 1776 except we have a virtual Tyrant "running the show" from his "Throne".

    The King of England and all except a handful of his armies were in Europe or England. 3,000 miles over the Atlantic Ocean, and the fastest any more troops could get to this side of the Atlantic was 3 months.

    Barry could have troops, planes, drones, not to mention secret weapons they never told us about converge on Lafayette Park in hours, if not minutes.

    "Peaceful" demonstrations like those of Martin Luther King and Ma Hat Mahanadi are lost in 20th Century flourish.

    Even Nelson Mandela wound up in Jail for 25 years for what he did. He is only now being recognized as more than a terrorist.

    The people that go to Lafayette Park on November 19th are going to have to have more than the "Truckers" or the "Bikers" did last month, or they will become another "unannounced part of history, not passed down by the people in power", I.E., the Democrats.

    They are going to have to have bold men coming forward and presenting themselves at the Front Door of the White House with warrants for the arrest of AG Eric Holder, Valerie Bowman Jarrett, 20 other advisors and councilors and, Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Hussein Obama himself.

    They will have to have prominent recognizable American Businessmen, Clergy, Newsmen, Authors, etc. accompanied by prominent Law Enforcement officials like Sheriff Mack, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and others with their posses backing them up so the Secret Service dare not fire on them.

    Too many organizations have called for the Impeachment of Obama. First of all, he, NOT being a VALID officer, is NOT impeachable under the Constitution for Republic of The united States of America.

    But, as a person who committed major crimes right in front of all of us who watch "The News" on TV, or have a computer and some leanings toward Conservative Constitutionalism, he is eminently ARRESTABLE!

    From Felony Impersonation of a Federal Officer, to being a willing accomplice in Felony Gunrunning with his Atty. General, to Felony Fraud to Felony Murder in at least the 2nd degree, To Felony 12 (at least) counts of Treason, etc. he is ripe for Arrest and being bound over for trial in a circuit court by a circuit court judge and 12 "hanging" Jurors.

    Barack Hussein Obama is only a pawn, or a puppet, depending on what you like, for bigger and more dangerous fish, like H.W. Bush and the Bilderbergers, the "Illuminati", The World Bankers, etc, but, as a figurehead of one of the most corrupt governments ever on the face of the earth, he is the "First Pickle out of the bottle", so to speak.

    As soon as he is arrested in public, like, on the 19th of November, 2013, and hauled away to jail in a non-disclosed place, for an indefinite period of time, while evidence is being gathered against him -- (
    See "NDAA-2012" and "NDAA-2013" for authorization for incarceration just on suspicion.)

    As soon as he is gone, the whole government and every person Obama Appointed, every Bill he ever signed, Every Executive Order he ever gave shall come crashing down, including, but not limited to, the "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which was signed into law on March 23, 2010, AKA, Obamacare.

    1. Continuing the comment, above from "Popcorn", which was limited to only 4000 some odd characters:

      The last paragraph of which reads:

      As soon as he is gone, the whole government and every person Obama Appointed, every Bill he ever signed, Every Executive Order he ever gave shall come crashing down, including, but not limited to, the "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which was signed into law on March 23, 2010, AKA, Obamacare.

      NOW, continuing...

      That sort of thing does not happen in an Impeachment, and the fraud and corruption can continue under the Vice President; You will have accomplished nothing but the, "Clanging of Symbols and the beating of drums".

      I would prefer that he be arrested at some out-of-the-way political function, like speaking to a High School class in some otherwise obscure town, where the mass presence of Secret Service Security people aren't on the roof, where Obama can't run to a D.U.M.B. like the one deep below the White House, etc.

      Be that as it may, it would be some spectacle that the Lame Stream News Media would be forced to cover, if it were "Rolled out" Slowly enough for them to get there, but played still fast enough to hold the publics' (the ones gathered at the scene) interest.

      Later the same day, or early the next morning either on the floor of Congress, if in session, or in cities and towns around the country, Senate Leader Dirty Harry, and other infamous "progressive" Senators, like Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of CA, The more infamous members of congress, like Nancy Pelosi, and about 100 others, including The Speaker, could also be arrested for complicity in Obama's crimes, or, at least, Misprision of the felonies.

      THAT would be "The Cause", "The Ideology" or "The Clear Idea" of what they were about I believe, that David Tollisen was talking about which was missing in this "Revolution" of yours.

      That sort of thing does not happen in an Impeachment, and the fraud and corruption can continue under the Vice President; You will have accomplished nothing but the, "Clanging of Symbols and the beating of drums".

      I would prefer that he be arrested at some out-of-the-way political function, like speaking to a High School class in some otherwise obscure town, where the mass presence of Secret Service Security people aren't on the roof, where Obama can't run to a D.U.M.B. like the one deep below the White House, etc.

      Be that as it may, it would be some spectacle that the Lame Stream News Media would be forced to cover, if it were "Rolled out" Slowly enough for them to get there, but played still fast enough to hold the publics' (the ones gathered at the scene) interest.

      Later the same day, or early the next morning either on the floor of Congress, if in session, or in cities and towns around the country, Senate Leader Dirty Harry, and other infamous "progressive" Senators, like Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of CA, The more infamous members of congress, like Nancy Pelosi, and about 100 others, including The Speaker, could also be arrested for complicity in Obama's crimes, or, at least, Misprision of the felonies.

      THAT would be "The Cause", "The Ideology" or "The Clear Idea" of what they were about I believe, that David Tollisen was talking about which was missing in this "Revolution" of yours.
