Wednesday, November 6, 2013

SSI Fraud in America - $250 Billion a Year! WOW...

Entitlement Fraud in America - $250 Billion a Year! WOW... | 11/6 Entitlement fraud is over $250 Billion annually! That equals some $2,400 + per year for every taxpayer. This is Criminal Malfeasance. Period.


SSI is still fine - they haven't touched that yet -that's the SSI that people worked and paid into - it. The bankers want to get it but they cant.
Obama pulleed 280 billion dollars out to kick off Obama care.
Their are 2 types of SSI the one that people who work pay into - and the other that people dont pay into and get for free - like illegals.
Their are 2 types of medicare - 1 that people pay into and receive when they are old - and the other that people have to pay into they never worked.
I heard that 500 thousand people in LA alone are on welfare ... and some make 20 dollars an hour in various states !
Who ever the OATH KEEPERS are they are on the move thru the states - !
I guess they protect the states from tyrannical government.

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