Sunday, November 3, 2013

Snowden GUILTY of Telling Truth

That Snowden, who's effectively been on the run since leaking details of the NSA's surveillance programs last June, might yearn for some semblance of a normal life is understandable. What's harder to sympathize with is Snowden's apparent belief that he shouldn't be held accountable for his actions.

In a meeting in Moscow yesterday, Snowden handed a letter to Hans-Christian Ströbele, a member of Germany's Green Party, in which he expressed a willingness to travel to Germany to testify about the U.S.'s surveillance activities. The letter is testament to Snowden's combination of naiveté, victimhood, and Assange-like narcissism. He describes his decision to disclose classified U.S. government information as a "moral duty" and claims that "as a result of reporting these concerns, I have faced a severe and sustained campaign of prosecution that

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