Sunday, November 17, 2013

Saudi and Israel Build up to World War III

Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan

Riyadh reported to give Jerusalem okay to use Saudi airspace and to cooperate on other tactical support, according to Sunday Times

Israel is working on coordinating plans for a possible military strike with Saudi Arabia, with Riyadh prepared to provide tactical support to Jerusalem

"We asked for 20 percent enriched uranium fuel, which, according to the regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency, they can provide us with," Mr. Ahmadinejad said Wednesday, according to Iran's PressTV. "However, they refused to do so."

A weapon made with 20 percent enriched fuel would be unwieldy compared with one made from 80 percent or 90 percent enriched fuel — what experts often call weapons grade.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for telling people this information. The reason Saudi Arabia is joining with the state of Israel against Iran is because the Saudi royal family are Jewish. I have this from two separate sources. The real reason Iran is being targeted is because it is one of only 3 countries whose central bank is owned by the country. All the rest of the central banks are owned by a cabal of international bankers who also want to own Iran's central bank. These Zionist Jews are just making up the nuclear weapons in their futile attempt to get people to want to go to war against Iran.

    The other two countries who own their central bank are North Korea and Cuba.

    You can read more truth about what the west has done to Iran at
