Monday, November 11, 2013

Satan's New World Order - 2013 FULL LENGTH FILM

The Korean Nuclear Missile Threat, Peace, World Government and Joe Biden.
Through fear, they hold a gun to our heads demanding if we want peace we have to put an end to our own nationhood and country because of the threat of nuclear war or nuclear annihilation. They tell us resistance is futile and that we must join the NEW world order under control of THEIR government and that's exactly what we're letting them do, DEFEAT us without one shot fired and without even defending ourselves.
Who is behind it? The prince of this world; Satan.

I'm not saying our current governments are GODD. What I AM saying is that the coming world government will be consolidated down into one centralized control mechanism that will make it much easier to literally control the entire world, which is what the antichrist will do and I'm afraid to be perfectly candid with you, that we are already under complete control of world government and that the only thing left of our national governments is an empty husk, simply left for appearance so that you and I will believe everything is still ok.
One of my channel's themes is "Stop Globalization". Can we really stop it? No. The Bible says we can not stop what is coming, but it also says we are the salt of the earth and that we should stand against the wiles of devil. Not just go along with it willingly.
This is a battle. Warn everyone. Show them these facts. Lead them to the Bible, the King James Version.


  1. The one world government will not come to pass until satan is booted out of Heaven to this earth Rev.12:6-9 appearing in Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus n heals that Deadly Wound to the one world government spoken of in Rev.13:3. Its all told have you read it? Visit ShepherdsChapel where Pastor Murray teaches Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse with the understanding a child can absorb. Its nice to know the Truth ThankYou, Father..

  2. Take the religion out of your message, it will go further

  3. Just planting a seed of Truth if it falls on fertle soil it will grow if it lands on rocks it won't...
