Sunday, November 17, 2013

Russia will attack and invade America

I have sent out many warnings about New York City and the surrounding areas over and over again here . I have always received back excuses after excuses, but now you cannot comment back to me thank you to youtube! But this will not change the outcome of what is to come nor your stubbornness not to listen to the kindness of our Lord as he has warned you. He is calling you to come to him now while the days are yet young. Come now give your stony heart to him while you still can.
If you do not know how message me now and ask me Ruby how do I become born again and I will call you if you live in the US. Or we can talk on skype. It is this important!! Do not delay.

I have posted on my channel that I saw and heard 3 missiles will hit CA. I had not ever heard anyone say out loud were the three would hit before until I found this video. I was told by the Lord to not tell where the three would hit until I given a conformation. Well folks here it is this is a conformation on that I have been given. But I have seen more you can find all my dreams and visions while they are still up here on YT. Until I found this video here on YT I had never heard anyone ever say the same things I was given.

Outdoor Wireless Infrastructure

Warning- California Missiles are Headed Your Way part 1

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